Monday, August 2, 2010

Look inside the book

Look "Inside the Book"... When someone (hey, why not you?) looks to buy books on Amazon...some titles offer a look inside.
   But not many.
  This evening, which, by the way, I just noticed is now this morning, I began to upload the files that will allow potential buyers (again--why not you?) to look inside my book. When you go to a bookstore and are thinking about buying a pick it up, flip it open, and take a glance at what you will get when you buy the book.Why shouldn't you be able to do that with an ebook?
  You should be able to do that with an ebook. You can...with some. On Amazon, the picture of the cover will have some cheerful lettering extolling you to do just that. Most don't.
  After tonight, I can tell you why most don't. ...It's a pain in the ass, that's why! Trust me. I know. I just went through the process. I'll spare you the gory details, but it involves a fair amount of pdf knowledge, some patience with getting approval to be a seller as well as a publisher, writer, marketing dude, and (oh yeah...) a writer!
   And now we wait. I converted the pdf file, uploaded the cover art (modified to the proper dpi), jumped through the hoops, hooplets, and hoppers, and I think...uploaded the damn thing. Now, someone on the amazon end of things will look at the zip file (another step), then at the files, do his or her thing, and then you'll see those friendly letters telling you to Look Inside Sexton.
  I'm glad I did it. The reader deserves a peek inside before buying a book at any price (shameless ad: mine is only $2.99), and I want to honor that right of yours.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Miller said...

You are doing a great service for any would be writers thinking about uploading a book to Amazon.

May I suggest you becoming a member of Triond and posting these hints there as well? You will get paid for them. Not a heck of a lot, but these practical publishing tips could generate a few bucks.

Let me know if you need more info.